Getting started

Using gpyrn should be simple if you are familiar with Python. Just import the package directly or each of the three sub-packages

import gpyrn

from gpyrn import meanfunc, covfunc, meanfield

The covfunc package provides covariance functions (kernels) to be used for the GPRN nodes and weights. meanfunc provides the mean functions to use for a given dataset. Note that, in the GPRN model, the nodes and weights are independent GPs with mean zero; these mean functions will apply to the output datasets. The heavy-lifting is done by the mean-field approximation that is implemented in meanfield.

As described in the examples, the typical use will be to instantiate a meanfield.inference object passing in the observed datasets, and then defining the GPRN components (nodes, weights, and means). So typically you would do something like

# load data...

# create an inference object
gprn = meanfield.inference(N_NODES, time_array, *outputs_and_errors)

# define GPRN components
nodes = [
    covfunc. ...
weights = [
    covfunc. ...

means = [
    meanfunc. ...

jitters = [...]

gprn.set_components(nodes, weights, means, jitters)

after which you can calculate gprn.ELBO or optimize the parameters with gprn.optimize().